Venus exploration mission


                      THE STORY OF                                 TYAZHELY SPUTNIK SPACECRAFT 

Tyazhely sputnik spacecraft was Soviet spacecraft which was the first spacecraft to explore planet Venus.
              Launch date :4 February 1961,                                              01:18:03 UTC
              Decay date   :26 February 19.      

Its was also named during its development as Venera 1VA No.1 and in the West as Sputnik 7.It failed to pass out from the low earth orbit (LEO-an earth centered orbit with an altitude of 2,000 km (1,200 mi) or less ,approximately one-third of the radius of earth or with at least 11.25 periods per day)so this mission to reach venus is failed.

Cause of failure : When the upper stage(Once in orbit, the upper stage provides the in-space propulsion to set the spacecraft on a precise  trajectory.)ignited ,cavitation in the liquid oxygen flowing through the oxidiser pump caused the pump to fail, resulting in an engine failure eight-tenths of a second after ignition.It re-entered the atmosphere over Siberia on 26 February 1961.

                  TYAZHELY SPUTNIK
